Corporate Governance

A corporation is a legal entity comprised of a board of directors, shareholders (sometimes called partners), and creditors elected or appointed by the members of…

All About the Economics

A society is a geographical area where interaction of individuals is based on the same socio-economic principles and there is the equal distribution of wealth.…

What Is Economy?

An economy is a set of practices, discourses, goods and services exchanged and produced by various agents in relation to their production, circulation and distribution.…

Concepts of Economy

The term economy refers to the entire body of ideas, values and practices related to the production and distribution of goods, services and products in…

Types of Economies

An economy is a place of production, distribution, and exchange, not by local producers and consumers, but by other agents. In broad terms, it is…

Explained Economy

What is an economy? An economy is a place of exchange, production, distribution, and exchange of goods and services, by various independent agents. In its…