A blog, also referred to as a weblog, is simply a blog posted on the Internet, often in the form of a simple, self-contained discussion or generalized informational website, generally using loosely chronological, sometimes personalized content. Blogs are usually displayed in reverse chronological order (the latest post appearing at the top), so that the newest post on top always appears first. There are no sub-categories within a blog, and comments are generally left on an individual basis. Blogs are extremely easy to set up, as it is generally required just a few mouse clicks to get the whole blog setup and running.
In the early days of blogging, there was very little infrastructure and blogging was not much monetized, but that has changed over time with the rise of blogging websites and hosting services. The blogging industry is now a vibrant and competitive market, and the best blogging platforms offer lots of customization options for both the blogger and the publishing platform. Blogs can be monetized with banner ads, sponsorships, and even Pay Per Click advertising. Some blogs are self-hosted and generate all their own revenue; others rely on sponsors and advertisers to help pay for the building and maintenance of the blog.
As the Internet has become a critical and even vital part of our daily lives, there are many different ways to monetize a blog, including Google AdSense and affiliate programs. However, one of the biggest trends in blogging over the past few years has been the use of free blogging platforms such as WordPress to publish blog posts. Blogs that are based entirely on free platforms provide a great way to start a blog in a cost-effective manner while learning more about the actual topic of the blog itself. In addition to blog posts, many blogs provide news feeds, a forum, photo galleries, guest books, and personal profile pages. With a premium blogging platform, the blogger does not need to spend thousands upon thousands of dollars to establish a solid readership. A blogger can simply create a unique and useful blog post, publish it on the blogging site, and then use the provided functionality to drive traffic to the blog.